2016 Recipient: Alex Gherardi

Life has never been easy for me, but rather than succumb to my issues, I take every obstacle and use it as a positive experience from which I gain strength and build character.

My mother was left with an infant to care for herself and was working full time while going to community college. I started to live with my grandfather, and during those days he became my hero and my father. At the age of 10, my world was shattered when he was taken from me after losing his short battle to brain cancer; this loss was life changing to me. My mom got remarried when I was in 7th grade to a man who she thought could play the role as a good father figure.

A few years later, during my freshman year of high school, my mom lost her job and was unable to work for almost a year. The following year, my sport career came to an end. I had four herniated discs in the middle of my back from an unknown source, and it would be in my interest to drop all sports and physical labor. My middle school and high school career consisted of torment around the clock by my step father to be a “perfect” child. This caused the desire for me to be home as little as possible. After years of living in an almost totalitarian household, I snapped. This time proved to be overwhelming and challenging, but I did what I could to stay focused on my goals of graduating from Ridge and going to college. Life has been hard and money has been a problem, but yet I found my place in Ridge High school and made myself into the person I am today. I have set the bar for myself, and I will fight for what I want the most.

To be honest, I too have made some mistakes of my own. However, if you ask my teachers, counselor and administrators, they would all say that I have matured and grown. I have used my personal experiences to set goals and be a responsible, honest and determined young adult. As my senior year progresses my grades have been where I need them to be. I put myself in courses I take interest in, that are a challenge and will hopefully open up my ideal options for a future career.

I have worked multiple jobs and have tried to be a responsible employee and a positive role model to the children I work with at the elementary school. I believe that I can be the first person in my family to attend a four year college. During the time I am attending school, I plan on working to accumulate money so I can start paying off loans once I graduate. In reality, without this scholarship, putting myself through college, RVCC or not, will be a struggle. I believe a quality educational background is a stepping stone for a solid career, and with this money I can start off a step higher than I would be able to on my own.

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