Support Our Students

Have you known a kid with grit and determination, who’s taken on brutal challenges with a smile, but who may not have had the resources to make the most of those virtues? Were you that kid? Was that one of your parents?

Imagine what it means to a student like that to be able to buy a used car to commute to community college, where a transfer scholarship might open unimaginable doors. Imagine how a significant award could change the opportunities for a blind student who needs special supplies and equipment to face the future. Imagine a kid who no one realizes suffers unthinkable abuse at home, and just needs enough money to get out of town to start fresh at vocational school.

These are the Ridge High students Ridge AMS has helped. There are more. They’re here, right in Basking Ridge. They find Ridge AMS, often with the thoughtful and devoted help of the Ridge High Guidance Department. We want to help.

You can help, too. You can change lives.

Your donation to the Ridge Alumni Memorial Scholarship is tax-deductible [IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit]. Ridge AMS is funded entirely by contributions, with all expenses donated, so your contribution goes directly to deserving students…

Ridge AMS gratefully welcomes your support in any amount, or contribute at these levels:

  • Founders’ Circle $10,000 or more
  • Friends of Ridge $1,967 or more
  • Red Devils $500 or more
  • Ridge AMS Supporter $100 or more

Donate Today


To contribute by check, please download and print this form, and mail the completed form with your check to Ridge AMS:
Download the Ridge AMS Donation Form (PDF)

Here is a brief brochure that you can print and distribute to those who might be interested in Ridge AMS. It includes a copy of the Donation Form:
Download the Ridge AMS Brochure (PDF)

The Board of Trustees of the Ridge Alumni Memorial Scholarship sincerely thanks you. Ridge High did a lot for us, and we want to do a lot for its most deserving — but sometimes unrecognized — students. Like you, we care.

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