2008 Recipient: Alexandra Stamateris

Congratulations to Ridge High Senior Alexandra Stamateris, winner of the 2008 Ridge Alumni Memorial Scholarship. Ridge AMS supporters wish Alexandra great success and happiness as she pursues her goals.

Here are excerpts from Alexandra’s essay:

“Multiple myeloma n: a disease of the bone marrow that is characterized by the presence of myelomas in various bones of the body” (Webster’s dictionary). That is what took my mother’s life. The thing that left my father with two young children to take care of by himself. The day was July 6th, 1995. I was barely five years old.

My life reached a new normal in the following months, I had a whole new sense of responsibility, things like taking care of my brother and staying strong for him became very important to me, even as a five year old. Ultimately I learned that I was strong and that it was up to me whether or not I wanted to wallow in grief, or get over it and move on with my life. I chose to move on. Now in high school it has become especially apparent to me that trivial dramas.are not important. I know for a fact that your boyfriend breaking up with you is not the end of the world, and that you should waste no tears over the matter.

(My mom) wanted me to go on to college, something she regretted not doing. I have worked hard . (to) get a great education and someday a fulfilling career in my chosen field of study, criminal justice. What I ultimately learned, that thing that I will carry with me for the rest of my days is that life is not fair, but whatever obstacle is thrown my way, I know for certain that I can get through it by myself, with little help from others. Because when times get tough sometimes as the saying goes “you have to just keep on keepin’ on”. And know that life will eventually get better. Throughout the difficulties I have faced I have been able to maintain my grades, remain emotionally stable, and continue my involvement with my athletic and extra-curricular activities.

I am looking forward to being able to graduate with a diploma from Ridge because of the friends I’ve made among the students and faculty there. I am greatly looking forward to college, and opening up a new chapter in my life. Regardless of which school I attend receiving this scholarship could make the difference on whether or not I will be able to afford to attend a private university.

Alexandra Stamateris is now attending County College of Morris, preparing for a career in Criminal Justice. Ridge AMS winners are asked to describe the usefulness of their scholarship after one year. In June, 2009, Alexandra Stamateris wrote, in part:

I am as thankful today, as I was the day I found out that I had been named the recipient of the first ever Ridge Alumni Memorial Scholarship. The founders and contributors proved to me, carry yourself with dignity, always persevere, and you will be rewarded. It was great to feel the support of strangers, people who cared.

Again, thank you, founders and contributors of the Ridge Alumni Memorial Scholarship, for giving me the opportunity to get out of the “bubble of Basking Ridge” and experience new, positive, and exciting things!

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